05. Latent Features


At the end of the last video, you saw some common questions asked on company surveys. See if you can match each question to its corresponding latent feature.



Latent Feature

I feel that my manager is supportive of my growth within the company.

I feel confident that I can contribute to the company goals.

I feel that my work contributes positively to the world.

I feel that my opinions are heard when making decisions about company decisions.

My peers are supportive of my contributions.



Latent Feature

I feel that my manager is supportive of my growth within the company.

I feel that my opinions are heard when making decisions about company decisions.

My peers are supportive of my contributions.

I feel that my manager is supportive of my growth within the company.

I feel that my opinions are heard when making decisions about company decisions.

My peers are supportive of my contributions.

I feel confident that I can contribute to the company goals.

I feel that my work contributes positively to the world.

I feel that my manager is supportive of my growth within the company.

I feel that my opinions are heard when making decisions about company decisions.

My peers are supportive of my contributions.

I feel confident that I can contribute to the company goals.

I feel that my work contributes positively to the world.

I feel confident that I can contribute to the company goals.

I feel that my work contributes positively to the world.